2019.01.17-18, Viļņas Implantoloģijas centrs (Polocko gatve 21, Viļņa, Lietuva)

POSTERIOR MANDIBLE. Kaula un mīksto audu augmentācija

Mīksto audu un kaula augmentāciju kursu cikla 1.kurss, 2 dienu teorija un prakse

  • Datums


  • laiks


  • Valoda


  • dalībnieki

    16 vietas

  • cena

    1600 EUR

Kam paredzēts?

Šie kursi paredzēti zobārstiem, kas jau strādā ar implantu ķirurģiju un vēlas papildināt teorētiskās zināšanas un praktiskās iemaņas par mīksto audu un kaula augmentāciju.


  • Basics in osteology: jaw topographic anatomy, bone morphology and physiology, the quality and quantity of jaw bone evaluation according to Lekholm&Zarb method and other methods, alveolar ridge relation with soft tissue.
  • Changes of edentulous alveolar ridge: healing after tooth extraction, dynamics and factors of bone atrophy.
  • The way of tooth and root extraction which saves bone and soft tissue.
  • Classification of alveolar ridge atrophy and defects: vertical and horizontal atrophy, limited bone defects, bone growths and deformations, other alveolar ridge classifications.
  • Bone defects during the implantations: apical fenestration, three wall defect, marginal defect, peri-implant defect during the implant placement in the place of extracted tooth.
  • Specificity of bone deficit in esthetic zone.
  • Bone augmentation materials and methods: types of grafts, types of insulating membranes, frame materials, their advantages and disadvantages.
  • PRF (Platelet rich plasma) and other autogenic materials.
  • Algorithms and methods of planning the alveolar ridge augmentation: before the implant placement, during the implant placement, during the healing after implant placement.
  • Specificity of implant placement in esthetic zone: psychological, esthetical, surgical, prosthetic.
  • The types of implant placement according the type: immediate, delayed, late implant placement.
  • Design of incisions, manipulations with tissue, wound closing ways.
  • Bone and soft tissue influence to the final result.
  • Guided bone regeneration (GBR): morphofunctional base, the ways to stabilize the graft, isolative materials and methods, the design of incisions, postsurgical specificities. The methods, advantages, disadvantages indications and contraindications of GBR: alogenic and xenogenic bone grafts, horizontal and vertical bone split while forming a lodge for the graft, osteodistractical method, autogenic bone graft.
  • Methods increasing attached gingiva: coronary and laterally positioned flap, free gingival graft, allogenic materials. Methods of vestibuloplastic and frenuloplastic.

Praktiskā daļa

Uz cūku žokļiem un speciāliem modeļiem

bilde v4

Dr.Algirdas Puišys

"Viļņas Implantoloģijas centra" vadošais zobārsts-periodontologs, implantologs. 2002.g. ieguvis zobārsta diplomu Viļņas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultātē, 2006.g. ieguvis periodontologa specializāciju Kauņas Medicīnas Universitātē. Veic pētījumus un aktīvu zinātnisko darbību, uzstājas starptautiskās konferencēs, ilggadējs kursu un apmācību vadītājs.


1 dalībnieks