08/05/2025 - 09/05/2025, Straumann Group | Business center "Synapse" A. Vivulskio st. 7, Vilnius

Soft tissue management and aesthetic result in implant prosthodontics


  • Datums

    08/05/2025 - 09/05/2025

  • laiks


  • Valoda


  • cena

    1200 EUR

Course overview

Important overview details of implant prosthodontics: from immediate implant temporization to the delivery of the final restoration.

Please register HERE.

Course topic

Prepare dental professionals how to feel confident when dealing with restorative work on implants.

Course objectives

  • Implant position and its influence on the prosthetic result. What implant malposition could be prosthetically solved and how
  • Immediate implant temporization: fixed or removable? What restoration shape is the best? How not to cause any problems with the temporary crown to a healing implant?
  • Temporary crown and soft tissue conditioning, where to push and where to preserve soft tissues. What are the signs that the result going to be (non)satisfactory?
  • Impression taking: how to ensure stability of the impression coping.
  • Communication with the dental technician. Xray and how to read it, how is it related to the selection of the titanium base?
  • New Straumann iEXCEL concept. BLX, BLC, TLX, TLC implant prosthodontics: TorcFit connection, titanium bases and much more. Why is it easier now?
  • Material selection: zirconium oxide and lithium disilicate. What material is best for the soft tissues>
  • Shape of the pontic area to ensure soft tissue stability
  • Restoration delivery: screw retained vs cemented


  •  Fixing and shaping a temporary crown on implant straight after implant placement (immediate temporization)
  • Reshaping a temporary crown for soft tissue conditioning once the implant could be fully loaded

Schedule (May 8-9, 2025)

8:30 - 9:00     Morning hello and coffee

9:00 - 10:30   Lecture

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30  Lecture | Hands-on

12:30 - 13:30  Lunch break

13:30 - 15:00  Lecture

15:00 - 15:15 Coffee break

15:15 - 16:30  Lecture

May 8th 19:00 Dinner in Vilnius Old town

Dinner is included in the registration fee.

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Please register HERE.


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